About This Game The Four Kings Casino & Slots is a social MMO that allows you to immerse yourself in a simulated casino experience. You will start off by creating a personalized 3D avatar that represents you in the online world. As you play, you will be rewarded with more extravagant and prestigious clothing to further customize your look. As soon as you enter the casino you will be able to participate in the most popular casino games like Texas Hold’em Poker, Slots, Blackjack, Roulette, Video Poker, and more. The Four Kings Casino & Slots is a living, breathing world that is constantly evolving with new events, clothing, and games.At The Four Kings Casino & Slots you can play at your own pace. You can socialize and play at low limit tables, or you can work your way into the VIP section and play for high stakes. The top ranked players at the end of each season in the casino are awarded with exclusive in-game rewards. Seasons last 3 months and the Number 1 ranked player will get their picture posted in the Hall Of Fame.Get the royal treatment at The Four Kings Casino & Slots.Localization Note:The title is currently localized to Danish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Russian and Swedish with a varying amounts of Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese (Traditional) Czech, Dutch, Finnish, Hungarian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese, Portuguese-Brazil, Spanish (European), Spanish (Argentina), Spanish (Mexico), Thai and Turkish in progress. If you would like to help localize to your preferred language, please get in touch with us directly via email - info[at]digitalleisure[dot]com. We'd love to have your help! 1075eedd30 Title: The Four Kings Casino and SlotsGenre: Casual, Free to Play, Massively Multiplayer, SimulationDeveloper:Digital Leisure Inc.Publisher:Digital Leisure Inc.Release Date: 1 Jun, 2015 The Four Kings Casino And Slots Crack By Razor1911 Download EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTEDPay to Play game!!!! If I would of known I wouldnt of wasted my money!!!!!! I dont know about you but when I buy a game I expect to play it once I buy it.... I shouldnt have to buy chips to play long enough to have funWhen early access is done game is free to play haha sounds like a joke cuz they only give you like 25 chips per 15 mins and one pull on a really low pay out on a slot machine....If u ever played a casino game you know that doesnt last long most casino games give you Minimum a few thousandThere max bet limits are also a joke max bet is $400.. Where is the win big These guys are too greedy and that will be there down fall, Games should be fun for all and if there having fun they will want to buy chips but if you have no free chips you might as well go to the real casinoDont let the pictures fool you there are at most 5 people in the casino at a time when i join. its like a ghost town. A great game for your gambling fix coming back from vegas.. UPDATE::: The devs have seen it fit to immediately ban me from their discusson board after this review was posted. For that I warn folks who have issues to be careful speaking up. Seems this Dev likes their dirty tricks when they don't want their filthy laundry aired out.This is my final review edit. After enough time with four kings, I have decided they have completely lost touch with the fanbase who supported them from day one. Just as they did on playstion home for six long years.Im going to be honest here, I'm not liking the way things are going. I thought after they had their time with playstation home, we'd see changes that showed they learned their lesson last time from customer feedback. I remember a time when DL had a casino on ps home, it was an avitar social world with literally hundreds of mini games and places to chat and play. Game themed rooms and more. They also had a casino there and they did the same thing with chips there. The games there were PLAUGED with bugs and cheaters, very little was done. However they had no issue releasing an apartment for over 50 dollars that came with the same games you already had access to in their casino and they REFUSED to change the pricing even with such negative feedback. Oh and might I add, the people who were stupid enough to buy it lost those items anyway when ps home closed it's doors this past march.People lost thousands of chips with no rembursement, and the tournaments were a joke. You had to pay 4.99 for a tournament bracelet with no guarantee of any reward. Just a pat on the back for those who didnt make the cut, while they pocketed their real money.I was much happier with this game during EA. Now? Theyre making the game completely un fun by catering to the new players they want to spend money. Bingo nerfs are beyond terrible.Im now seated at a progressive game with over 25 players. The pot would usually be over 100k. It isn't even breaking 40k right now...and rp payouts are the same as the main floor games.The people who bought in during early access are being pushed away to cater to the casual player with a spending problem. I have taken a break from four kings and returned today to see if the nerfs were truly as bad as they say, I'm unhappy to report they are far worse than what players are complaining about. I remember sitting at bingo for hours, and not having this back of luck either. One could say it comes and it goes, but this is just ridiculous. I was quick to respond to a gent who made a post on how this game is not only exploiting potential gambling addicts, but nothing more than a cash grab. I really would like to recall that person's username, so I can apologize and say they might be right.Because the players who bought into this game and made is possible for it to even make it out of early access are being disregarded. If this is what developers plan to do to people who buy into their games in order to support a title, I am swearing off EA games entirely. Because this seems to be a NASTY habit with devs on here. They bend over backwards during EA, but after they get your money all bets are off.. This is, without a doubt, the best early access game I've ever bought. If you're familiar with the PS3 Home casino, or even if you're not, you'll love this game.I took a risk buying this, as I don't usually expect much from early access, but this really surprised me. From the couple of hours of playing this, I've experienced stable, smooth, solid gameplay. I've tried all games in the casino, and they all work without a single hitch. If it didn't even say it was early access, I wouldn't have even known that it was.Good points:- Has a nice atmosphere, really feels like a nice place to hang out- Gameplay is smooth- Control\/movement is great- Blackjack- The community who play regularly are really niceImprovement suggestions:- Avatar customisation is lacking- Lack of people to talk to (will improve with popularity hopefully!)- Lack of people to play Poker with- Chat\/messaging system is a slightly buggyIf you're looking for a great casino game, this is the one. You can have a great casino experience for a few dollars. It's definitely worth buying now and investing for the future - I see great things ahead! Awesome job devs!. An interesting hybrid between an MMO and a Facebook casino game, Four Kings adds a social element that is missing from those games. Reminds me a bit of the long since cancelled This is Vegas but multiplayer. In this state, there is a lot of variety in the different types of casino games, even if they suffer from the major population issue mentioned below. But at least it isn't just limited to a few of them. Best part is that you don't have multiple spam messages all along your Facebook wall from your parents trying to get chips from you.Game runs fine on my machine at least and save for one period where I had issues loading the character customizer, everything is fine on a technical standpoint.The only thing holding the game back is its lack of players, which due to the social nature of the game seriously harms the game even in this Early Access state. Hopefully once it launches people will give it a look. Maybe if Digital Leisure adds crafting and zombies, people will play it. :)Some suggestions to the developer for release and beyond:Figure out some reason for people to use the nightclub, whether its a drink-serving minigame to earn chips or something else worthwile. Seems useless at this point in time. Same with the Hotel Room. I'd love a GTA style TV where you watch pre-made shows but that's way too expensive for this kind of indie development studio. A possible area for user-generated content perhaps?More slot and video blackjack variations.Poker and Blackjack tournaments.. At first, I was surprised when I clicked to buy Four Kings Casino All-In Pass and found out that this is just a DLC, and for purchase - it want to buy the game itself. Ok. I bought it. Since a VERY LONG time waiting for something similar Reel Deal Slots in Steam. And cause I'm a fan of this genre of games.And I was very disappointed... the presence of early access in no way justifies an EXTREMELY UGLY BLOCKY graphics. Many games of this genre 15 years ago looked much better than this game. Halls, which is nearly the same as each other are no different and artificially stretched by placing the same machine 10 pieces in a row. Only 1 kind of horrible slot machine (seriously???) without interesting bonus and the possibility of doubling (on mobile devices, in F2P games - slots which made on a much more decent level - hundreds). Video poker without the doubling possibility and other games made on the most primitive level without interesting variations. And I doubt very much that at least some of these problems will be fixed with the release.Including a full absence of people in the lobby. I can't even give out my VIP invitations to friends in Steam, cause the VIP-invitation system not working at the moment.Not to mention the fact that my first acquaintance with the game began with an immediate disconnect from server after logging into the system and inability to reconnect quite a long time, resulting to log into the game I was only able the next day.. I think the game will eventually be good but it would help a lot if there was a game guide. I find it difficult to control movements of my avatar and don't really know how to access everything. Need way more different slot machines for me to stay interested. The casino itself is very nice and the avatars realistic looking.
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