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Realistic Reloading New Vegas


f6d3264842 19 Jul 2013 - 21 min - Uploaded by JackTheStripperVersion 3.2 of this mod can be found here: 1wiidl2b0x188u2 .... This will probably need NVSE, but I think it would be really cool if weapon reloading was magazine based rather than ammunition unit-based. To explain, .... Basically, what the mod does is it gives the player manual control over the reload system. If you fire a gun until you run out of bullets you have to manually reload .... Making a "realistic" reload cycle is extra effort for what would probably be minimal gain. .... Weapons in Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas have a fairly quick, .... 6 Jun 2015 ... 1) Stormtroopers from Star Wars. Here is a link to the mod: 2) Realistic Reloading .... 16 Nov 2014 ... Adds realism to dangerous combat situations. Realistic Reloading. Doesn't allow you to .... 6 May 2015 - 4 minNeed new clothes ? ... Fallout New Vegas Mods Weekly 4 - Factions .... Ammo will have weight in New Vegas, so we all have something to look forward to. .... Plus, alot of games have pretty realistic reloading.. Tuckered Out ( Adds realistic fall ... Realistic Reloading and Manual Reload (FNV).. 27 May 2017 ... Basically, what the mod does is it gives the player manual control over the reload system. If you fire a gun until you run out of bullets you have to .... It also updates the muzzleflashes to be small enough to be semi-realistic, but large ... CASM:NV replaces Fallout: New Vegas' saving system so that you no longer ... are also always previous saves available if you need to reload a save earlier .... For Fallout: New Vegas on the PC, a GameFAQs message board ... realistic reloading ... New: enable viewer-created translations and captions on your YouTube channel! ... added a video: Realistic Reloading Mod Tutorial (Fallout New Vegas).. 7 Aug 2017 ... Fixes crashing bug when loading a save or starting a new game. v1.0.4. Ammo left in the clip will be disposed when reloading (Can be toggled .... Does anybody know of any realistic magazine based reloading mod ala Escape from ... .... Rapid Reload is a perk in Fallout: New Vegas. Rapid Reload allows you to reload all your weapons 25% faster than normal. This also has the effect of allowing .... 6 Oct 2016 ... New Vegas. I'm looking for a mod that gives a more realistic feel to gun magazines. Specifically, if I reload halfway through a magazine, then I'll cycle through full .... Does the most recent mod change use New Vegas Script Extender (NVSE) or ..... Please see also the 'Fourth Rule: Reloading "save game" files' section of the ...... Realistic Headshots (RHS) - A shot to the head for most opponents is almost .... 25 окт 2010 ... Fallout: New Vegas - 13 полезных и интересных модификаций. 0. 0 ... Realistic Death and Dismemberment Physics - by Instance.. The reason given by the author is: I keep telling myself that I'm gonna update it, but time keeps passing, so I think I better remove it and not have new people's ...


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