About This Content Extend your experience in the unique universe of Dragon Ball Xenoverse with this DLC GT Pack 2 (+ Mira and Towa):4 Playable characters (Eis Shenron, Nuova Shenron, Towa and Mira)Episodes and Parallel QuestsMaster (Pan) and Masters QuestsSkills, Costumes and accessoriesZ-soulsThis content allows you to go deeper into the story of Dragon Ball GT through the game alone or with other players travelling in the Toki Toki City. 1075eedd30 Title: DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE GT PACK 2 (+ Mira and Towa)Genre: ActionDeveloper:DIMPSPublisher:BANDAI NAMCO EntertainmentRelease Date: 14 Apr, 2015 Download DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE GT PACK 2 ( Mira And Towa) .rar Would be better if we could have playable variations of Towa's abilities, like science escape. This is more an opinion than a review. ^^; My apologies in advance!. Good thing I got this as a bundle during the Steam sale. I cannot recommend it at full price.. The more I see the more I dislike. Seriously are you guys trying to make mass money off of nothing? Cause the way its going I'd rather hop on my PS2 and play Budokai Tenkaichi 3.....THIS GAME LOOKED SO PROMISING, come to find out you Only get a handful of DBZ characters, Infact, DBGT Final Bout for PS1 had a bigger roster. Stop messing around and trying to nickle and dime everyone, Make this game the way it should be...Finally A DBZ Game for PC. Only, alittle less than what I was expecting. Like, why is SSJ4 Vegeta Only preorder? And why is there a fraction of the roster of Budokai Tenkaichi 3? Anywho, here are my Pros and Cons.Pros- -Graphics are good -Hero Customization is Decent -Cool seeing an alternate side to a lifetime favorite story. -Very Replayable and EnjoyableCons- -Very Small Character Roster (Each DBZ game should have more and more characters from the story. I.e. Budokai Tenkaichi 3 has the largest roster yet, and still to this day remains the best DBZ game made) -DLC seems like a waste of money, Very little effort put into it, Very little Everything. -NO BEAM BATTLES! - Everyone knows that BEAM BATTLES make up DBZ games, and without them, this doesnt feel authentic, more like a cheap knock off.10 Things DBZXV Needs To Make it the best game ever!1. Beam Battles! - \tNothing beats a beam struggle that could possibly end in 2x damage or Instant kill!2. Sayain Redefined - \tAll Sayain Hairstyles need to to Chain with level of SSJ. SSJ being raised up, blond, and spiky. SSJ2 Same layout with slightly longer hair. SSJ3,Intensely Modified Crazy long. EACH HAIR LAYOUT SHOULD HAVE ITS OWN MODELS PER LEVEL OF SSJ.\t(i.e. Bowlcuts should Change like Trunks hair does when SSJ.)3. More Transformations!- Make Transformations its own slot on Skill Board, Freeing up Ultimate attack Slot.\tSaiyan- Great Ape, Gold Great Ape, SSJ3, SSJ4, GOD Level\tNamekian- Super Namekian, Giant Namekian, Fused Namekian\tHuman- Enlightened Human, Raged Human(Think Buff Master Roshi)\tFrieza Race- Form 2, Form3, Final Form \tBuuRace- Kid Form, Evil Form, Super Form\t!EACH LEVEL (SSJ\/NAMEK\/HUMAN\/FORM\/BUU FORM) CHANGING BODY BUILD AND HAIR MODEL!**SSJ4, Fused Namekian, Enlightened Human, All forms for Buu Race and Frieza Race, do not wear out or dimish till the fight ends**4. Lots More Variations! - \tMore hair, more eyes, more faces, more lips, more noses, lot more clothes, more accessories, more more more! Also, the ability to add and customize aura.5. New Races! - \tAndroid! [M\/F], Kai! [M\/F], The Race of Pikkon [SingleSex], Demon [M\/F], Tuffle (Baby) [M\/F]6. Black Star Dragon Balls - \t1 wish from Dark Shenron, Different Wishes Than Shenron or Porunga. (RAREST) *Only found on GT missions*7. Namekian Dragon Balls - \t3 Wishes from Porunga, Different Wishes Then Shenron or Dark Shenron. *only found on missions\/maps that take place on Namek*8. Better Deflect and Ki Blast - \tOne of the best part about DBZ was playing tennis or ping pong with basic ki blasts, trying to see how many times you could get it to go back and forth without messing up.9. More Graphics Customization, Ability to adjust shaders and such, make the game look like older DBZ Games, Smoother, Less Shiny, as OPTIONS. not Mandatories10. Complete Multiplay Profession Optimization for Competative Play and Tournaments.If these changes should ever happen, this game will be the best DBZ game in history! THINK BUDOKAI TENKAICHI 3! MAKE THIS GAME DEEP!!!. I was kind of less than enthused with the first GT pack they added but because of the promise of this pack I hoped that maybe Namco Bandai would redeem itself...unfortunately this pack is kind of worse than the first.They added in a handful of costumes none of which are really that great or worth owning, the characters in this DLC are a bit better in my opinion than those in the first pack but the main story missions are over in the blink of an eye leaving you feeling less than resolved and the three added PQs do add some extra play time BUT overall this pack is over so fast you're almost left wondering what they really added at all.It feels fragmented, as if they chopped a full GT pack into two halves to get more money out of their customers. It's nice to see love for GT but this isn't the way to do it. Unless you are a solid completionist and hardcore Dragon Ball fan I say skip it because nothing in this pack enhances the game enough to warrant a $9.99 asking price.. Probably not worth $10, pretty quick to get through and the characters are meh. Not worth the prolonged wait we had.But if you got money to blow, go for gold.. Would be better if we could have playable variations of Towa's abilities, like science escape. This is more an opinion than a review. ^^; My apologies in advance!. Waste of your money.
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